Our Mission:

Enriching Lives and Building Community Through the Arts

Platte City Friends of the Arts hosts and/or sponsors:

Founding members Sharon Short, Debbie Dance Uhrig, and Alicia Stephens started Platte City Friends of the Arts in 1999 with a concert at Snow Creek featuring singer-songwriter, Connie Dover. Terry Durand joined the board and the group was off and running. The friends then produced an art show in the showroom at All Pro Ford and began a community orchestra. Sharon, Debbie, Alicia and Terry are so proud of the continuing interest that the community and the present board members and all past board members have shown to the arts in Platte City.

Left to right - Susan Anderson (Board Chair 2009-2019), Terry Cox Durand, Debbie Dance Uhrig and Sharon Short.

Left to right - Susan Anderson (Board Chair 2009-2019), Terry Cox Durand, Debbie Dance Uhrig and Sharon Short.

What We've Achieved

  • Serving the Platte County community since 1999

  • Supporting Vocal and Instrumental Music, Visual Arts and Theater Arts

  • Providing free arts entertainment for Platte City and surrounding areas

  • Awarding scholarships to college-bound seniors studying the fine arts

  • Providing free visual arts experiences such as Art Displays, Dare to Draw, Plein Air Paint/Sketch/Draw and Art in the Park

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way—things I had no words for.”
— Georgia O'Keeffe